Four days ago someone slid an envelope under my door. There was a letter and a dead flower inside. The letter had the same nonsense as those e-mails written in it. This FifiFlower person said she sent those e-mails so she (Him? They?) must also be responsible for that letter. They are written in the same manner as their comments. So it must be the same person. Whoever you are you need to stop it. This isn't funny. I'm serious, stop or I go to the police.
Fuck. She must have gotten out through a window or something. I hope she's alright. If any of you have seen her please let me know. You know what she looks like right? All black and small for her age. I'm so fucking worried, I love her so much. -Maarten
”No its not time yet. I dont care that you bloked my emails. I like Writing letters. Its more personel and exiting.”
“It's not time yet? What do you mean by that? I just want my cat back!”
Delete”Its not time for us to meet. You need to have patients. Youre cat is alright, i promise im taking care of her.”
”Dont be mean to me.”